neovim-java - Java Client for Neovim API

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Neovim Java is a Java Client for Neovim RPC API. Currently it is best suited for creating a GUI using Java and either an embedded Neovim instance or connecting to an exisitng instance either using Unix domain sockets or TCP sockets. Plugin development may be possible as well, but it was not tested.

This library consists of multiple modules and you may choose which one you want to use (depending on preferences and level of abstraction needed):

  • Core RPC javadoc - core of the library providing most basic interface for communicating with Neovim - it can be used without other modules, but other modules are recommended for most uses
  • Reactive Core RPC javadoc - simple wrapper around Core RPC module for providing a reactive interface
  • Unix Socket Connection javadoc - simple addition of another RPCConnection for using unix domain sockets
  • Neovim API javadoc - main interface for communicating with neovim. This is the recommended module to use, it provides a reactive interface and greatly simplified interface, providing complete implementations for all functions provided by Neovim.
  • Neovim RX API javadoc - small wrapper around Neovim API providing RxJava2 interface instead of Java reactive interface
  • Handler annotations javadoc - addition allowing creation of annotation based handlers for requests and notifications
  • Neovim notifications javadoc - addition allowing usage of notifications through Java 9 Flows interface and also provides data models for all neovim notifications
  • API Explorer javadoc - simple JavaFX application used for testing library and exploring neovim API
  • Plugin host javadoc - library for building remote plugins - this should be the main dependency when developing Neovim plugins (either standalone or hosted by plugins-common-host) - enables easy usage with neovim-java-plugin-host
  • Plugins common host javadoc - executable which can be used as a remote plugin in Neovim, which should load all other plugins from classpath (provided by neovim-java-plugin-host)

Core RPC

javadoc Core of the library with a basic interface for RPC communication through a RPCConnection. This implements basic Neovim API definition, without any specific types or functions. It can be used if functions to be used may not be known beforehand. All of the classes in this module may be replaced with a different implementation if special behaviour is required.

Basic usage:

// Get an instance of RPCStreamer
RPCStreamer client = RPCClient.getDefaultAsyncInstance();

// Prepare a connection to neovim
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("nvim", "--embed");
Process neovim = pb.start(); // Start embedded neovim instance

RPCConnection neovimConnection = new ProcessRPCConnection(neovim, true); // true to kill neovim once connection is closed

// Connect to neovim

// Send feed keys call
client.send(new RequestMessage.Builder("nvim_feedkeys").addArgument("jjjj").addArgument("").addArgument(false));

// Send get current line call and print out the response
client.send(new RequestMessage.Builder("nvim_get_current_line"), (id, response) -> System.out.println(response));


By default, RPCClient will use a sequential message id generator, meaning every new message will have its id increased by one. This makes it possible to match up response for given request. If you need a different behaviour, you may implement MessageIdGenerator interface and provide a custom RPCStreamer to RPCClient which will use that generator.

MessageIdGenerator customGenerator = createCustomGenerator();

RPCStreamer customStreamer = new PackStream(sender, listener, customGenerator);
RPCStreamer client = new RPCClient.Builder()

Similar to this, different parts of RPCClient can be changed using the builder:

  1. ExecutorService used to listen for requests
  2. ObjectMapper used for parsing requests and responses
  3. RPCSender used to send messages
  4. RPCListener used to listen for requests


If you wish to include this module (and not some other module), you may add it as your dependency: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Reactive Core RPC

javadoc Reactive core RPC module is a simple wrapper around core RPC module. It provides a reactive interface using Java 9 Flows. Requests and notifications are provided through a Flow, while sending messages returns a CompletableFuture which can return a response.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

It handles the same RPCConnection interface as core RPC module and creation is very similar:

    Socket socket = new Socket("", 1234);

    RPCConnection localConnection = new TcpSocketRPCConnection(socket);
    ReactiveRPCStreamer rpcStreamer = ReactiveRPCClient.getDefaultInstance(); // shared singleton

    Message request = new RequestMessage.Builder("nvim_get_current_line");
    rpcStreamer.response(request).thenAccept(System.out::println); // requesting

    rpcStreamer.notificationsFlow().subscribe(notificationsSubscriber); // notifications subscription

RxJava wrapper is not provided, since it is very easy to wrap this Java 9 Flow implementation into an RxJava implementation.

Unix Socket Connection

javadoc Unix socket connection module provides a very simple additional implementation of RPCConnection based on Unix domain sockets.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Example usage:

    File socket = new File("/var/nvim/random");

    RPCConnection fileConnection = new UnixDomainSocketRPCConnection(socket);

    // It can now be used for communication
    rpcStreamer.sent(message); // send a message to unix domain socket located on /var/nvim/random

Neovim API

javadoc This is the main high level interface for this library. It provides all of the Neovim RPC API functions in an easy to use way. It holds all types as models and provides 4 separate APIs: Neovim, Buffer, Tabpage and Window (the way they were meant to be used in OOP languages).

This does not proivide atomic calls yet.

All calls are made using reactive-core-rpc module and all calls return CompletableFuture. If you prefer RxJava over Java 9 Flows, you can use neovim-rx-api module.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Example usage:

    Socket socket = new Socket("", 1234);

    RPCConnection localConnection = new TcpSocketRPCConnection(socket);
    NeovimApi api = NeovimApis.getApiForConnection(localConnection);


    NeovimApi another = new NeovimStreamApi(ReactiveRPCClient.getDefaultInstance());

Neovim RX API

javadoc Neovim RX api module provides a same API as neovim API module, but using RxJava2.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'


    Socket socket = new Socket("", 1234);

    RPCConnection localConnection = new TcpSocketRPCConnection(socket);
    NeovimApi api = NeovimApis.getApiForConnection(localConnection); // Create regular API
    NeovimRxApi rxApi = new NeovimRxWrapper(api); // And then wrap it in RxJava2 interface


Handler annotations

javadoc Handler annotations module provides a way to register listeners for requests and notifications using annotations and different handlers. There needs to be an object with methods annotated with NeovimNotificationHandler or NeovimRequestHandler. These methods need to take only one parameter, NotificationMessage and RequestMessage respectively.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Example usage:

    class AHandlerClass {

        public void handleRedraw(NotificationMessage message) {
            System.out.println("Received a message: " + message);

    NeovimHandlerManager neovimHandlerManager = new NeovimHandlerManager();

    neovimHandlerManager.registerNeovimHandler(new AHandlerClass());

By default, all notifications and requests will be blocking. If you need a different behaviour, you can use a different constructor for NeovimHandlerManager.

    NeovimHandlerManager customHandlerManager = new NeovimHandlerManager(new NeovimHandlerProxy(customExecutorService));

Neovim notifications

javadoc Neovim notifications module provides a way to receive notifications through Java 9 Flows. Besides that it provides models for all neovim notifications, which can only be checked using instanceof operator currently, but provide an easier way to parse data.

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Example usage:

    NeovimNotificationHandler notificationHandler = new NeovimNotificationHandler(streamer);


API Explorer

javadoc Simple JavaFX application loading Neovim API information using nvim --api-info. Displays all loaded information in tables for simple overview.

It can also be used as an example of usage of library.

Plugin host

Maven Central javadoc

This is the plugin host module, the main module when developing neovim remote plugins. It uses rest of the core modules to communicate with neovim and it provides annotations to easily define commands and autocommands. It can also be used to create hosted plugins, which can’t be run on their own, but depend on neovim-java-plugin-host.

It provides NeovimJavaPluginHost which holds everything needed to communicate with neovim. It provides a simple start method to connect to neovim via stdio (useful for plugins). It immediately loads API info, to be a able to provide PluginApi functionality, which enables easy command and autocommand creation.

This module also provides annotations for even easier command and autocommand creation (@NeovimCommand and @NeovimAutocommand).

Include it in your dependencies: Maven:



compile '${neovimjava.version}'

Example of usage:


public final class Plugin {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var host = new NeovimJavaPluginHost();
        host.start().thenCompose(() -> {
            host.getApi().executeCommand("echo \"hello from java\"");

Example of hosted usage:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public final class HostedPlugin {
    private final NeovimJavaPluginHost host;

    public HostedPlugin(NeovimJavaPluginHost host) { = host;

    // Hook before initializing all the plugins
    // useful to add autocommand groups to be used with annotations
    public CompletableFuture<Void> prepare() {
        host.getApi().createAugroup("MyHostedPluginGroup", new HashMap<>());

    // Hook after all plugins have been initialized
    // All hooks can either return CompletableFuture<Void> or void
    public void onReady() {

    // All command handlers can either take `RequestMessage` or `CommandState`
    // NOTE: if sync = false, take `NotificationMessage` instead
    @NeovimCommand(value = "MyHostedPluginCommand", sync = true)
    public String incrementCalls(RequestMessage message)
            throws NeovimRequestException {
        // command handlers can throw NeovimRequestException to return error to neovim
        return "Hello from java";

    // All autocommand handlers can either take `NotificationMessage` or `AutocommandState`
    // NOTE: if sync = true, take `RequestMessage` instead
    @NeovimAutocommand(value = {"BufRead"}, pattern = "*", group = "MyHostedPluginGroup")
    public void onBufRead(AutocommandState autocommandState) {
        System.err.println("Autocommand: " + autocommandState);

NOTE: @NeovimJavaHostedPlugin annotation can be used in standalone examples too. Any class annotated with it will automatically be registered and any @NeovimCommand and @NeovimAutocommand annotations will be processed.

Check out rplugin-example and rplugin-hosted-example too.

Plugins common host

Check out neovim-java-plugin-host for guide on how to use it.

Neovim-java logo is based on Neovim logo by Jason Long, CC BY 3.0. Modified logo is also licensed under CC BY 3.0 and available on this location.